YA recomendations

Friday, April 29, 2011

Ranting rant fest.

 So I was reading over some of the reviews that people have posted about my favorite Adult series, and it shocks  me how personal people take the writing works of others. It seems as if it is their very life force and if the writer does not write how "they" want or the story does not go how "they" want it to that the writer has then wronged them in some unfathomable way. As if the writer has gone out of her way to personally offend her readers. I'm sorry, but your not that special.
  I have heard many a writer explain that "I do not write the story, the story writes itself and I am just the vehicle in which to bring the story into fruition." It seems so true as I always start my story's with an idea and by the third chapter it has completely changed to something else. The names of the characters as well as their personalities "write themselves" as they say. They just flow out like they have always been a character, they were just waiting for me to put them on paper.
  I am not talking about honesty here. I am not talking about lying and giving a false review. I am talking about respect. You can give an honest review of a book that you hated and be respectful about it. 
  I get that you are emotionally attached to a book or characters in a book and that sometimes things happen that we don't like. I even understand getting upset and say throwing a book across the room. Believe me when I say that I have had my share of book throwing tantrums myself as you may have noticed in my review of "Blood and Chocolate" but to personally attack the writer and vow that you will never read anything else from this author again because "I didn't like what you did to..., even though I loved your books up until this point",  or going as far as to say that they are racist and completely attacking their character as a person. I just don't understand people who take things so personally. Again, I get the getting upset part. I am guilty of getting this emotionally attached but for goodness sake, don't publicly attack the author because you didn't like her book.
 Now if the writer has strongly come across as having some personal chatacter flaws such as being racist, or giving a message that is completely innapropriate then sure, rant away if you feel so inclined but keep in mind. This is their work, this is themselves they put out there for everyone to see, to read. It certianly made me think twice about writig or ever trying to publish my work. It makes me question myself. Would it really be worth it? To have such hate spat at me for writing a book?
 Oh and for God's sake, please stop comparing every YA book to "Twilight". Stephenie Meyer did not corner the market on broody boys or forbidden love. Books about a supernatural being who falls in love with a human girl because she is special and different from any other human that they have encountered, though these books may be silly and seem over the top at times and a bit overdone are not copies of "Twilight." 
 I mean The Dark Divine by Bree Despain a "Twilight" rip off? I mean who saw that coming? I certainly didn't.

Happy reading,

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