YA recomendations

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Don't you just love Library sale's? Huge book haul.

 Let me start off with saying that I went to my Goodwill and found some really great books. 20 to be exact. WooHoo, 20 books. All YA books are classified as childrens books so they are 79 cents a book. The pocketbook paperbacks are also 99 cents a book. So I spent about 20 dollars with tax.
  So the next day the Library two towns over was having a books sale. I have been to one other Library sale and it was fabulous, so naturally I was excited. It was pretty small but I got there early so I had the first pick. There were tables and tables filled with wonderful looking books just waiting for me to pick them up and buy them.
  I ran around grabbing books, piling them in the corner until I went through every single book. They were all well organized which was a plus.
  I payed, hauled my "haul" out to the car and drove home. Well I drove to two other Libraries to see what they had in their for sale section, because I didn't have enough books already right? I set them all into piles and stared at them. Yes I stared at them and smiled with glee at my fabulous book haul.
  I counted 85 books, yes that's 85 books, hehe. Add that to the 20 books I got the day before and that adds up to the biggest book haul in history. !05 books. Can you imagine my happiness? Through some very creative piling and shoving they all fit on my existing shelves but pretty much put me at capacity. So now my plan is to switch my hobby room with my son's room (the biggest room in the house) and turn that into a hobby/Library. We gave him that room with the condition that he would keep it clean or at least make an effort and 6 months later you can't even walk into it. So it's mine, mwahahah. Just think, my own Library. (Happy sigh)

Happy reading,

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