YA recomendations

Friday, April 22, 2011

"The Forest of Hands and Teeth" Spoilers. If you don't want it ruined for you, don't read.

"The Forest of Hands and Teeth" by Carrie Ryan.

I am going to warn you again that this review will contain spoilers and ruin the end for you.

  I will start out with the only positive that this books holds for me. Carrie Ryan's writing is really beautiful. It's poetic, and holds a bit of magic in the way she tells the story. That said it almost makes it worse. How someone can write so beautifully about death and tragedy. Death isn't supposed to be beautiful and it caught me off guard several times in the story. I would get so caught up in how her words flowed together and then BAM dead baby, or BAM a beloved character would die. It made it that much more disturbing for me.
  I know that so many people loved this book. I know that people have been raving about this series for months, but I don't really get it. The book world must be full of people who love to ball their eye's out and feel unfulfilled by an ending.
  I don't recommend this book unless you like books where everyone dies accept the main character of course who has basically lost everything she has ever cared about accept the beach, she has the beach dang it, likes books with no real ending, and desires to spend the next few hours reading about death and no real hope of a future.
  Still interested in reading "The Forest Of Hands and Teeth"? Go for it but I will give you the one warning I wish someone had given me. DON'T GET ATTACHED TO ANYONE. Or you will be really sad when they die.

I gave this book 3 out of 5 stars. Despite how I felt about this book personally, I am judging this based on Carry Ryan's writing and because the book was written well, I didn't feel right about giving this book a 1 star review.

Happy reading,

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